We walked in to see this wall of stunning colors:
Purple sweaters looked great with the art:
Alexandro could not have been nicer. From Spain, now living in Savannah, Rhode Island School of design. He told us how he did it and signed books for Architecture Tourists Katherine on the left and me (Terry) on the right.
We met some really nice folks from Big Canoe, New York, Paris and... Right: Katherine, Center: Adrian Dannatt
Left: Adrian Dannatt
Oh, how did he do it? "Action Painting" Think colors, mix the colors (turpentine is involved), canvas flat on floor, pour blobs of paint, once the colors set up a bit stand them up, more thinking, more coloring, more knifing...
There are more pictures, see them here slide show. Click the little box on the lower left corner to see it full screen; you'll be glad you did.
P.S. The Besharat stair is a work of art itself.
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