
When they show the slides of the winners, the crowd gasps. Really, they gasp. Me too. Buy tickets here.

I'm going even though I'll have to wear a coat and tie. Sound stuffy? Realize that most of the audience prefers work boots, noisy building sites, sawdust, red clay, and the occasional un-ladylike language heard when hammer meets thumb.

The Shutze's will be at Piedmont Driving Club next Saturday night. Cocktails and food followed by an educational awards presentation. It's Architecture Tourist heaven.

The room will be filled with architects, landscape architects, designers, builders, craftsmen, and fans like me who love these beautiful things. Once in a while these folks have the privilege to interpret classical design for modern requirements. Is The Villa only 90 years old?
Villa, Philip Shutze

Buy tickets here. And please join me that morning at the Atlanta History Center for a presentation by Jonathan LaCrosse. Philip Shutze and His Georgian Muse. It starts at 10:30. Good chance to meet fellow travelers.

From the Award Announcement:
"The Southeast Chapter is pleased to announce the fifth annual design competition to recognize excellence in traditional and classical design. The Shutze Awards will be given for small, large, and multi-family residential design, commercial/civic/institutional projects, interior design, craftsmanship, renovation, and landscape/garden design.

The awards are named for Philip Trammell Shutze, the Atlanta architect whose work is revered internationally as one of the twentieth century’s most devoted classicists. The awards will recognize similar individuals who are contributing to the creation of twenty-first century classical and traditional architecture.

The awards will be presented on Saturday, February 12, 2011 at a gala event at the Piedmont Driving Club in Atlanta, GA. In addition, the work of the award winners will be showcased in Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle magazine."
The awards will honor Norman Askins, one of Atlanta's living architecture legends.

Judges are David Brussat Providence Journal’s architecture critic, Arthur Ross Award winner, blogger at Architecture Here and There.

Gary L. Brewer is also Master of Ceremonies. He is a partner at Robert A. M. Stern with projects everywhere including a favorite of mine in Seaside and a Life Magazine Dream House north of Atlanta.

Lindsay Bierman is editor at Southern Living and formerly of Coastal Living. Enough said.

Buy tickets here.

Here is my little collection of Shutze's doors that might wet your appetite.

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