
Carroll Slater Sifly Piazza is how you get from the parking lot elevators to the entrance of Atlanta's High Museum. It has some cool sculptures but it's mostly a place to get through.

In daylight I sense something remarkable about it, work by Mr. Meier and Mr. Piano. But really, there's a whole museum to see and I just paid ten bucks to park. Who has time for the piazza?

What if you could see it at night with 8 giant projections? Well you can this Thursday.

The Water and the Blood at the High Museum of Art - will have it's Second Showing Thursday August 2nd from 9pm until 11:30pm. It's free but I can't help you with parking.

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It's quite a sight and it's quite a sound.

I won't promise you'll enjoy it. But I was there for the first performance so I'll give you some hints.
  • It's not the least bit vulgar.
  • It's like home movies set to ambient music.
  • After a while it feels like home movies of your own family.
  • There are 8 screens but you can't see it all.
  • The visuals include the museum and folks who are doing something else.
  • You can ride your bike right up there.
  • They should have a bar but it's not cheap.
  • You don't have to be quiet.
  • You should move around but you can sit, and you can lay on the grass.
  • The curvy steel mesh chairs were made by the devil himself, so grab the other chairs if you can.
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When you see this, it's starting over. Stay and see it again. It hit me differently the 2nd time, and the 3rd. It hit me harder after I got home.

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Prepare for a visual feast. I'm sure Mr. Meier and Mr. Piano would be pleased.

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You might find the tall, bearded Micah Stansell himself.

This isn't movie-movie. In the heart of Atlanta's highest culture. I connected with folks in their rural work-a-day world. I felt wistful, nostalgic, sentimental. It's staying in my head. I'm going back.
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The Architecture Tourist experienced the piazza in it's most activated state. On Thursday, I'm going to pay more attention.

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I'm going to study up on Atlanta's piazzas. But that's another blog post.

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